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SEIZURE: uncoordinated electrical activity in the brain which can be caused by hypoxia, cardiac arrest, medical conditions, low blood sugar, head injury, neurological diseases/infections, fever (children) or epilepsy. (ARC 2014)


Common symptoms of seizures include: sudden muscle spasm/rigidity, jerking movements of the head, arms and legs, abnormal/absent breathing, excessive salivation/dribbling, tongue bite, incontinence of urine/faeces, changes level of consciousness


  1. Remove patient from danger; protect from injury

  2. Place patient in recovery position (if possible)

  3. Avoid restraint unless essential to prevent injury

  4. Time each seizure (note start/stop times)

  5. Maintain an open airway if possible

  6. Pre-empt onset of shock- treat for environment

Evacuation: Consider: For known epileptics, monitor resolved seizures for 24hrs (provided patient does not have compounding issues- eg: trauma). Consider evacuation for relapses Rapid: Seizures related to head injury, trauma, unknown causes or lasting longer than 5 mins. Evacuation for ALL first-time seizures

Below are some more useful links and downloads regarding Seizures  

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