Leaders in Remote Area and Wilderness First Aid Training
Survive First Aid is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 40764) specialising in Emergency Response and First Aid Training Solutions throughout Australia. Using the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines as our base, a team of paramedics (who form our medical advisory team), ensure the training is both relevant and current within the area of First Aid and Emergency Response. Successful completion of our courses awards participants statements of attainment detailing the relevant National Units of competency that have been achieved.
Courses are delivered using a combination of Audio Visual sessions and Practical Scenario’s, with participants assessed by completing a multiple choice exam, demonstrating their skills and knowledge in a range of scenarios, and through the submission of written incident forms. These assessment are ongoing throughout the course and allow participants multiple opportunities for completion.
The release of the national Work Safe Code of Practice for First Aid, has helped to standardise the level and appropriateness of what First Aid Training should be obtained across multiple workplaces.
Having a relevant first aid course is paramount to your safety within the workplace, at home and when out enjoying yourself. As such we offer First Aid Training solutions that are nationally accredited and meet the standards and requirements outlined in the Code of Practice. However delivering a standard first aid course is NOT what we’re about. We’re incredibly proud of our ability to individually design training to meet client needs and requirements, ensuring courses are as relevant as possible to the participants.

So What Course Should You Choose?
Remote Area First Aid Training
If you are more than an hour from definitive care (Medical Centre/Hospital), however there is still good access for vehicles and communication options are varied then ‘Remote Area First Aid’ will provide you with the extra skills and knowledge required to provide the best care to your patient, whilst waiting for a longer period of time for help to arrive.
Wilderness First Aid Courses
If you are more than an hour from definitive care (Medical Centre/Hospital), access and communications are limited, and you may have to help co-ordinate the emergency response then ‘Wilderness First Aid’ will give you the advanced skills and knowledge required to provide the best care to your patient, whilst waiting for an extended period of time for help to arrive.
Winter Alpine Backcountry Courses
If you work or play in the Alpine Backcountry these are the courses for you. Not only 1 Hour from definitive care and limited access, the backcountry offers specific environmental challenges and evacuation considerations. These courses will provide you with the specific alpine skills and knowledge required while waiting for help to arrive or moving a patient to a better location.
Wilderness Life Support for Medical Professionals
Wilderness Life Support® is a medical certification course that provides a practical foundation in Wilderness Medicine for medical professionals. The course is a 4-day course that teaches patient assessment and treatment guidelines for life support until definitive care or evacuation is available. All enquires should be directed through our friends at RescueMED directly.